Film Faced Shuttering Plywood
Film Faced Shuttering Plywood is an exterior grade, preservative-treated, boiling water proof plywood manufactured using specially formulated phenolic resin and select hardwood only.
It can easily withstand water and the abrasive action of concrete repeatedly,even where vibrators are used. Its high density makes it very strong and stable. Please note we use only First stage Phenol Resin to ensure maximum bonding, strength and water proofing of the shuttering ply.
- It is cheaper when compared to other shuttering panels like; steel plates.
- It is easy to handle.
- It gives a smooth surface finish and can easily be cut into required sizes.
- Expansion and Shrinkage resistance
- Re-usable for long periods of time.
It is strictly in accordance with the rigid standards specified by the Indian Navy W/1 and BIS specifications.
Civil Construction, Repair and Maintenance of Buildings, Bridges, Beams, Fly-overs, Vehicle Bodies, Roofing, Casting Concrete Slabs, Beams and Column boxes etc.